
$35.00 / month

Enhance your landing pages with MortyEmbeds: interactive, embeddable mortgage and real estate content. Whether you want to display live mortgage rates, curate a dynamic content, or feature homes you’ve helped finance, MortyEmbeds offer a personalized and engaging touch to captivate your audience and drive conversions.

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Enhance your loan officer landing page

MortyEmbeds are powerful and customizable embeddables designed to delight your audience and drive engagement. For $35 per month each, choose from three options.

Rate Table

Display current mortgage rates tailored to your location directly on your landing page. Empower your visitors to take action by signing up for more information right from the convenience of your landing page. Keep your audience informed with real-time rates.

Content Showcase*

Grow your online presence with the Content Showcase Embeddable. This embeddable includes links to your social media profiles, embedded relevant content articles sourced from Morty’s resources, and a dedicated space for your personal market commentary. Position yourself as an industry thought leader and provide valuable insights to your audience, all seamlessly integrated into your landing page. This embed works well with MortySEO Amplifier.

Homes I’ve Helped Finance*

Build trust and showcase your success stories with the Homes I’ve Helped Finance Embeddable. Feature a captivating carousel highlighting three or more homes you’ve assisted in financing. Each entry includes an image and essential information about the home sale. This personalized touch adds authenticity to your landing page, reinforcing your expertise and fostering a connection with potential clients.

*For Content Showcase and Homes I’ve Helped Finance, we’ll reach out after you purchase to gather some additional details for the embed. For Content Showcase you will need to provide the market commentary. For Homes I’ve Helped Finance, you will need to provide any images you would like to use.


Rate Table, Content Showcase, Homes I've Helped Finance