Credit Improvement Services

Low credit scores are a common source of friction in the mortgage process because client scores are often lower than expected resulting in eligibility and pricing implications. When your borrower is on the cusp of a qualifying credit score or a few points away from preferable pricing, you may want to recommend a credit review or credit repair service. Morty’s has a variety of partners that can help improve your clients’ FICO scores both prior to and during an application:


Morty partners with Curu for credit repair services. Curu specializes in nurturing borrowers who have been denied a mortgage, developing tailored recommendations to help them build a stronger credit profile. Curu is best for borrowers who were formally denied for credit reasons and want to re-apply when they become eligible. 

To leverage Curu’s services, please direct your customer to the landing page: here

What If / Wayfinder

Morty’s credit information provider offers score simulation tools. These tools, available within 30 days of the original credit pull, do not re-pull credit and do not require separate permissions from the borrower. The “What If” report shows the estimated credit score impact of various actions (e.g. paying down a tradeline). A “Wayfinder” report generates specific recommendations for score improvement and estimates the associated score impact. These tools are most effective for borrowers who are on a tight timeline and aim to improve their credit score quickly.

To leverage one of these tools for your borrower, add a note in the Scenario Form or email Please include your borrower’s target credit score and timeline. 

Rocket Credit Repair

(only for loans-in-process with Rocket Mortgage): Rocket Mortgage provides borrowers that have a loan-in-process with access to their credit repair team. This is a good fit for customers who would benefit from a modest score improvement or who have experienced a credit score drop that needs to be addressed. 

To kick off this process, you will need written permission from your borrower for a new credit pull. Please forward this, along with your borrower’s target credit score, to