Morty POVantage: Brand Creation and Development


Craft your mortgage or real estate brand identity with Morty POVantage, starting with a 45-minute exploration session to define your public persona. Our Marketing Pro will then design a distinctive logo, offer headshot guidance, and create personalized templates, ensuring every aspect reflects your unique brand vision.

Craft your brand identity with Morty’s design and marketing expert. This offering includes:

  1.  Brand Exploration Session
    We’ll start with a 45-minute brand exploration session where our Marketing Pro will guide you through a brand exploration to define the persona you wish to project publicly, shaping the foundation for your brand, content, and messaging.
  2.  Logo Design
    Based on the brand exploration session, our Marketing Pro will craft a distinctive logo, incorporating one round of feedback before finalization.
  3.  Headshot Assistance
    Our Pro will walk you through how to take headshots and touch up two of the shots you provide.
  4. Personalized Templates
    Once the logo and headshot is finalized, our Marketing Pro will create personalized templates to reflect your brand including letterhead and business cards.